Body Composition

Finding Your Good Running Cadence: 5 Tips from the Pros

Michael Moore
March 25, 2024

Unlocking your optimal running cadence can significantly enhance your performance, whether you're sprinting the 100-meter dash or enduring a marathon. The rhythm at which your feet strike the ground plays a pivotal role in your running efficiency.

Unlocking your optimal running cadence can significantly enhance your performance, whether you're sprinting the 100-meter dash or enduring a marathon. The rhythm at which your feet strike the ground plays a pivotal role in your running efficiency.

During the course of your running journey, utilizing tools like the Spren app with its body composition technology, can help you keep track of your body composition muscle mass progress. Let’s dive into expert advice to help you find that sweet spot in your stride.

1. Focus on Frontside Mechanics

Martyn Roone, an Olympian World Champion, swears by the effectiveness of frontside mechanics for improving speed. He emphasizes the importance of driving your knees up in front of your body and pushing down hard into the ground directly underneath you. This method propels you forward more effectively and efficiently. He advises against leaning forward or allowing your feet to flick behind you, which can inhibit your forward motion.

2. High-Quality Training and Mental Discipline

Nethaneel Mitchell-Blake, an Olympian, highlights the significance of consistently training at a high level and maintaining mental discipline. Achieving your best running cadence isn't just about physical training; it's also about cultivating mental tenacity and discipline. The commitment to improve every day will propel you toward mastering an efficient running cadence, critical for enhancing your overall performance.

3. Avoid Excessive Bounce and Rotation

Running should be a linear motion, moving you forwards efficiently. Excessive bounce or lateral rotation not only wastes energy but may also increase your risk of injury. By maintaining a higher cadence and avoiding over-striding, you can minimize this wasted motion, directing your energy towards forward movement. Remember, every inch of unnecessary bounce over a marathon adds up to an extra mile of effort.

4. Control Your Breathing

Managing your breathing rhythm is crucial for maintaining an efficient running cadence. Your inhalation and exhalation should synchronize with your stride, contributing to your overall running rhythm. Practicing controlled breathing can help you maintain composure and focus during races, ultimately aiding in the achievement of a good running cadence.

5. Rest and Recovery

David Roche, a head running coach, underscores the importance of incorporating rest and recovery into your training regimen. Striking a balance between running and resting prevents overtraining and injuries. Remember, the goal is long-term consistency. Introducing periodic breaks allows your body to build back stronger, keeping you on track toward achieving and maintaining your ideal running cadence.

In conclusion, finding your good running cadence is about more than just counting steps; it involves a holistic approach that includes body mechanics, mental discipline, strategic training, and rest. With the support of technology, like the insights from the Spren app, alongside these expert tips, you’re well-equipped to fine-tune your running cadence for better performance and efficiency. Start implementing these strategies today, and experience the difference in your next run.

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Michael Moore

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