Body Composition

Top 5 Diets To Gain Muscle Based On Science

Michael Moore
March 15, 2024

Gaining muscle isn't just about pumping iron; it’s equally about the fuel you feed your body. With countless diets claiming to be the best for muscle mass enhancement, it's essential to rely on those backed by science.

Gaining muscle isn't just about pumping iron; it’s equally about the fuel you feed your body. With countless diets claiming to be the best for muscle mass enhancement, it's essential to rely on those backed by science.

Before diving into the top five diets, it's worth noting apps like the Spren app can be significant allies. The Spren app measures body composition, helping you track your progress as you incorporate these diets into your fitness regime. As well, it has a personalized nutrition plan that calculates the macro targeted needed for muscle growth. Now, let’s explore the diets that can help you sculpt the strong, muscular physique you’re aiming for.

1. High-Protein Diet

Why It Works: A high-protein diet is fundamental for muscle growth. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle, and ensuring you consume enough daily is crucial for muscle repair and growth. Various studies have shown that increasing protein intake can significantly enhance muscle mass and strength when combined with resistance training.

What to Eat: Lean meats, fish, dairy products, legumes, and nuts are excellent protein sources. Consider incorporating protein supplements if meeting your daily protein requirement is challenging through food alone.

2. Carb Cycling

Why It Works: Carb cycling involves alternating between high-carb and low-carb days. This diet boosts muscle growth by ensuring your body has enough energy for intense workouts on high-carb days, while low-carb days can help with fat loss. It’s a strategy that supports muscle synthesis and body recomposition.

What to Eat: On high-carb days, focus on whole grains, fruits, and starchy vegetables. Low-carb days should include lots of non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins, with minimal carbohydrate intake.

3. Mediterranean Diet

Why It Works: Although not specifically designed for muscle gain, the Mediterranean diet promotes overall health and balanced eating. It's rich in nutrients that support muscle function and recovery, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and proteins.

What to Eat: Emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, olive oil, and moderate wine consumption. The diet’s balance ensures you’re not only building muscle but also taking care of your heart and reducing inflammation.

4. Paleo Diet

Why It Works: The Paleo diet focuses on consuming foods that our hunter-gatherer ancestors might have eaten. It emphasizes protein and healthy fats, which are essential for muscle growth, while eliminating processed foods and sugars.

What to Eat: Lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are staples of the Paleo diet. Avoid dairy, grains, and legumes to adhere to its principles.

5. Intermittent Fasting

Why It Works: Intermittent fasting (IF) limits eating to a certain timeframe, which can enhance hormone function to facilitate weight loss and muscle gain. Specifically, IF can increase levels of human growth hormone, crucial for muscle development.

What to Eat: While IF doesn’t prescribe specific foods, focusing on nutrient-dense foods during your eating periods is key. Proteins, healthy fats, and whole foods help maximize muscle gain.


Choosing the right diet to gain muscle can seem overwhelming, but armed with scientific insight, you can make informed decisions that align with your fitness goals. Remember, no diet is one-size-fits-all. Experimenting and tweaking your diet based on what works best for your body is essential. Tools like the Spren app can significantly aid in monitoring your body composition changes, ensuring that your diet aligns with your muscle gain objectives. Start your journey to a stronger, more muscular body today by integrating these science-based diets into your regimen.

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Michael Moore

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